Console Mattiacci Law Partner, Laura C. Mattiacci, Moderates a Panel of United States Magistrate Judges at the 2019 Federal Bench Bar Conference

Posted on Jun 07, 2019 by Laura Mattiacci
Laura Carlin Mattiacci

The week, Console Mattiacci Law partner, Laura C. Mattiacci, Esquire, moderated a panel of United States Magistrate Judges at the 2019 Federal Bench Bar Conference held at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia. The annual conference, hosted by the Philadelphia Bar Association Federal Courts Committee, offers in-depth CLE discussions on legal and practice topics important to the Federal Court Practice community in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (E.D. Pa). The Federal Bench Bar Conference provides a forum for the interchange of ideas among the bench and bar, educates the bar with regard to practice in the courts and encourages civility in the courts. Laura’s panel, which presented in front of 250 federal court litigators and Judges was titled “Practice Tips from Magistrate Judges of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,” and consisted of The Honorable David R. Strawbridge, U.S. Magistrate Judge, E.D. Pa; The Honorable Lynne A. Sitarski, U.S. Magistrate Judge, E.D. Pa; and, The Honorable Elizabeth T. Hey, U.S. Magistrate Judge, E.D. Pa.

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